At the Intersection of Sports, Technology and Health: HUSL at WHOOP

The Harvard Undergraduate Sports Lab (HUSL) came back for another successful event with WHOOP. HUSL took 40 students to WHOOP headquarters in Boston to learn more about the intersection of sports, health, and technology.

Jonathan Jeffrey, alum of Harvard College (AB ‘16) began the event by introducing HUSL members to WHOOP headquarters, giving them the breakdown on the product. WHOOP is a fitness wearable that allows people to track their strain, sleep, and recovery. After the introduction, members were given a tour of WHOOP Labs where they were shown exclusive insight into how WHOOP is changing the health industry. Julie Hershkowitz, WHOOP Labs Senior Associate, walked through the equipment and types of testing they do to ensure the highest quality of technology for WHOOP members. HUSL member Chuby Uche ‘24 shares about his experience, “It was an amazing experience. The workout was intense and offered a glimpse into how WHOOP continues to revolutionize the sports health industry. Overall, the event was incredibly amazing and gave HUSL members a glimpse into the various intersections between sports and health.”

After the tour, HUSL members returned to the headquarters to join a conversation with the CEO of WHOOP, Will Ahmed (AB ‘12). Will Ahmed was a student-athlete at Harvard, where he served as the captain of the squash team. He shared many insights into what it takes to be an entrepreneur and emphasized authenticity and risk-taking. Ahmed noted that when entering the startup space there is a lot of stuff you learn on the fly, but emphasized that you will see yourself improving as you learn. Ayah Al-Zubi, co-founder of HUSL, noted, “students were not only thrilled with the opportunity to visit a health technology powerhouse, but also with the opportunity to talk to and learn from the minds behind the ingenuity.”

Will Ahmed’s fruitful insight into grit and persistence transitioned into a breakdown of sports marketing with Henry Regan, Director of Brand Marketing (AB ‘15) and AJ Baker, Senior Sports Marketing Manager. An integral component of marketing includes dissecting what audience WHOOP wants to direct their device towards. Tai Tatum, co-founder of HUSL, mentioned that “it was really fascinating to learn about the strategies and partnerships that the Whoop team utilized to establish themselves in the wearable technology market”. Overall, the experience at WHOOP was incredibly insightful for students, especially within the entrepreneurship sector.  

Ayah Al-Zubi (AB ‘23) and Tai Tatum (AB ‘24) co-founded HUSL together in 2022 with the objective of showing the community the power and possibility in sports. The founders are committed to creating a long lasting impact at Harvard and beyond in the field of sports. 

Learn more about the Harvard University Sports Lab Here or email Photography by Dylan Goodman.


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