Our Hustle


    Partnering with sports executives, companies, and Harvard Business School faculty to provide opportunities and insight for students on the intersection of sports and business.


    Launching a sports scholars fellowship program and podcast series to spark conversation and impactful change around sports.


    Partnering with the community to increase awareness of the positive impact of sports in bolstering underserved communities and fundraising to support these organizations.

HUSL Sports Scholars Program

HUSL Sports Scholars Program

The HUSL Sports Scholars Program is set to launch in the Spring of 2025. The goal of the program is to focus on and accelerate the learning around the intersection of sports and society through four seminars led by experts in their field. HUSL Sports Scholars will have the opportunity to engage in conversation with renowned Harvard professors, and also work on a group project to share their findings with the greater Harvard community.

Applications coming soon!!

HUSL Podcast Series

HUSL launched a podcast series featuring Harvard students and alums, sports executives, and professional athletes, covering trending topics in the sports business industry. The clip below features Kirby Porter (BA ‘18) and her insight into being a self-starter and building your personal brand.

Have an idea you want to bring to HUSL?

Email us at harvardsportslab@gmail.com and we’ll work to make your idea come to life at HUSL.